Fall in love with the roads...
If you agree with the theory, that the road itself is the goal, you should go to Iceland. You will fall in love with the roads over there. Black asphalt and yellow pillars became a symbol of this island. Sometimes instead of asphalt you will have just ‘svartir sandar’ which means black sand. The optical illusion will be most probably the only one thing that you will get for free over there 🙂 Be on your guard and don’t lose the belief in your spatial imagination!
You can travel through Iceland in few ways and the only limit can be your lack of resistance to weather conditions. The most common vehicle is a car. It’s amazing how many attractions of the island are easily accessible by car. For those who love to visit the places without moving their ass too much, it’s even a paradise. But be aware of the distances and never neglect them, in the end they are always longer then you think. Very optimistic is the fact that you can see more and more crazy (positive) bikers on the roads. I admire them. But ff you are not in the good shape, don’t ever try and dare to do it 😛

Flying tents
All over the island you will easily find camping sites. If you plan to travel like that, please impregnate everything what you can, especially the tent, before you will go! If you can try to not lose your patience during looking for the right place without stones for the kippers, do it! These actions can save your life later. Really, I am not talking about the comfort. It’s about “be or not to be”! There is (most probably) not a second place where the wind is so strong and the rain so wet. Most probably 😉 we were not the only one and for sure, not the last one, that slept with the tent on their face. Oh yeah!
Attencion! The landscapes!
For those who love to take pictures, Iceland can be murderous… You will be surprised to find after each corner and curves …… landscapes and natural compositions. You will not be able to just walk by… You will stop and make a picture; only rain and wind will try to take away your camera and stop you from taking the next picture. So, if you are going to Iceland with a company of the professional photographer, I can promise you that you will have a lot of time for enjoying the views…

Fjara and the lobsters
Famous ‘svartir sandar’ – black sand, will make a foul of you. You will not be able to find yourself at the beach, which theoretically should not be a beach. Fjara (the beach) is my favorite word in Icelandic (one of the three words that I can remember). With absolutely beautiful beaches Iceland is different from the other countries with this kind of treasures, you will not find a commerce there. You will not buy a souvenir nor eat a hot-dog. This is really great. If you are a fan of lonely contemplation with an ocean view, you will easily find a right place for you at the 5000 km of the coastline. In the opposite of your budget plan you will surprisingly be able to try beautiful, fresh lobsters. They are relatively cheap and few small cities are dedicated to them.

If you are ready:
- to experience a lot of shocks related with the prices
- to travel to the moon (yes, it’s true what the internet is saying)
- for deep inhalation because of ‘och’ and ‘ach’ all the time
- to see a lot of things for the first time ever
- for spending a night in wet, floating tent
- for close contact with the dolphins, wales and seals living wild
Do not think twice, buy the flight tickets and go!
11% of the area is taken by the icebergs.
To Greenland you have only 287 km.
Iceland has the world's highest ratio of the number of artists
to the number of citizens. Most of them are writers and musicians
The biggest migration population is polish.
The women life expectancy is 83 while men is 78.
Iceland is the meeting point of two plates – North America and Euro-Asia.
They push each other with the strength of 2 cm per year.

There is no rail at the island.
There is no army.
60% of the Iceland population is living in Reykiavik.
The Iceland parliament is the oldest in the world (930)
The island has almost 5000 km of coastline.
There are twice more sheep than people.
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